

   Posted by: anne   in

For several years now we have had our Family Tree on the World Wide Web at Mountifield.org. During that time we have made contact with many people who are connected to our family in one way or another.

Some are close connections, others are more tenuous. I am, however, grateful to each and every one who has contacted us through our site so far. One thing these connections all have in common is the way they add meat to the bones and build a bigger and better picture of those that came before us.

The aim of this blog is to add the gravy to the meat!

Over time I am hoping to include articles and stories about the folks who appear in our family tree, details and descriptions of their occupations, what was happening in their world at the time, anything that will help us understand them a little better.

Over the last 150 years our family has spread to the four corners of the world so there is plenty of scope!

While the bulk of my research has been about the Mountifield family, I do wander down the other branches now and then, so the ‘In-laws’ will no doubt be making an appearance too!

May 2015

It has been a while since I have updated this blog. Sometimes real life gets in the way of the fun stuff! I am intending to update more regularly and already have a few articles in the works.